Do me a solid, please don't get used to it. I hate to disappoint.
I wanted to share with you my typical eating habits. Lets talk about the reason I am in this mess.
The problem is, working out is so hard and cake is so yummy.
I do have a gym membership. I have had one for years. I pay $20 a month. Since I never go, basically this gives me a little card to put on my keychain to make it easier for me to find my keys in my purse. 
Ok, so maybe that ISN'T what the $20 a month is supposed to be for, maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am way too lazy to go to the gym AND put my keys in the little pocket in my purse.
No more of that. My fiance, Jon hates when I waste money.
Yeah, I am a big enough person so say I deserved that snowball to the face. No pun intended.
Eating habits, you ask?
I happen to think that is a pretty funny phrase. 'Eating Habits". I feel like habit means consistency, and I would love to give you a typical day in the life of Sarah's digestive system, but I really cannot. I guess my main eating habit is the fact that I pretty consistently eat everything in sight, as long as it is filled with sugar and red dye #249.
Ok it may not be that bad but it really isn't good. Chinatown should be done in moderation. The guys who work at Teariffic know my order as soon as I walk in, and were in shock when they heard I lived in Staten Island and actually make the drive into the city to drink their Taro Bubble Tea Smoothie. It really is pathetic. It is unbalanced and it is changing. Sorry my Asian comrades, I will not be around for a while.
What is the goal from now on?
Drink water, and lots of it. No more sugar drinks, just water.
Eat a lot of veggies, especially greens.
When craving sugar, go with fruit.
Eat in smaller portions.
Eat less meat. I am not saying meat is bad, but according to Dr.Oz, it should be a smaller part of your diet.
Eat less dairy. Same with above.
Stop bored-eating. If I am that bored, I am thinking gum may be the route to go.
No sugar-free foods. These are really not good for you, they have chemicals that actually cause you to gain weight. Pretty vicious cycle if you think about it.
Go to the gym 3+ times a week.
Work out daily, even if its just 20 mins a day.
Drive less. Walk more. Especially now that it is getting to be so beautiful out.
I am sure the list will grow, but I don't intend on being super strict. I don't want to do this hardcore diet, get sick of it and quit in a week. I am looking to develop healthy HABITS! Healthy consistencies. Sounds like a plan.
So today, here is my little journal....
I ate a salad, a piece spinach and cheddar quiche, a small bit of tuna, turkey, fried chicken without breading, 1 banana and a handful of grapes.
I went to the gym for about 1 hour. I did 1 mile treadmill and 2 miles elliptical. I thought I would be able to do more, but oh goodness.
I was doing interval training in the treadmill. I was standing behind this girl with the body of a freaking supermodel. I had the urge to walk up to her and say "What are you doing here?! Clearly, you're done. Go home and eat a cupcake." Instead, I reminded myself that she is working on up-keep and one day I will be that girl. So as I ran (which is really just jogging with a lot of bouncing and discomfort in weird places if you're fat), I allowed skinny cupcake chick to motivate me. I did only a mile, after which I went to the bathroom and gagged a few times, looked in the mirror and... this happened. Ladies and Gentleman, my day in a meme...
So I fixed myself up, got back out there and hit the elliptical. Now, I hate the elliptical. I am sorry, I meant to say I HATEEEEEEEE the elliptical. I still did it, though. I set a goal for a mile. I hit the mile mark in about 12 minutes. OCD then took over and I decided to go to 15 minutes. Once I hit 15 minutes, OCD told me to go to 1.5 miles, since I was almost almost there. Once I hit 1.5 miles, I decided to make a mad dash to try to finish 2 miles in 20 minutes. I did it. And I owe it all to OCD.Once I finished that, I about passed out, and had to leave the gym before I actually did pass out and would have to be carried out while looking like that girl in the picture above.
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