Exercising is also hard.
Some more serious stuff before we fade into the fun stuff..
To be honest, I thought it would be much harder. I am staying so motivated when I have been unable to be since forever. I think a part of that is due to the blog, another part is that I am really relying on God to help me with this. I want to be dependent on Him, and when I am feeling the need for some sort of food, I try to press into Him and it really helps. I know His desire is for me to be healthy, and I want my will to match up with His, so here goes.
I haven't blogged for about 3 days because I dont want to feel like this is my daily homework. My goal is to blog 3-4 times a week, not daily. I dont want to feel like if I failed at blogging today, my diet also did not count. So that is that.
Also, it is really hard for me to share 'before' pictures without 'after' pictures to make me feel a little better. But, since this is a blog and I am sure 100% of the three people reading this blog see me in person quite frequently, here goes. Photo cred to my awesome rockstar mom.
See the problem? I do. It is long past time to take the bull by the horns, and I will continue to do what I can to look frigging banging on my wedding day (and wedding night, bow-chicka-bow-wow, brown-chicken-brown-cow).
So, diet for the past few days has been awesome. I mean it. I have been really good, which is not like me (obviously). I have had so many opportunities to cheat where no one would know but I haven't. I haven't even been craving sweets as much, which is awesome. I don't know how it happened, but I would like to keep it up.
Isn't that legit? It sucks but whatever. It is life and I need to be careful. Thin is in, no matter how much I hate the work and effort it takes.
Exercise has also been good, I have been walking/running as if there was cake at the end of the road. I walked for just over an hour last night with a friend and then walked and ran for just over three hours in the city today with another friend. Tomorrow is bike day, we want to bike from the house to the ferry, from the ferry to Central Park and back home again. I want to look good and I want it to happen soon.
I am going to be doing 10 pound rewards. Meaning when I am 10 pounds down, I will give myself something awesome, in this next case, I want to try a baked good from the bakery that is making my wedding cake, I need to try them and know they are awesome in order to be confident in using them. Have you guys done this? Does it work? I figure that is 6 cool rewards to look forward to for 60 pounds, maybe exercise clothes, caaaaaaaaaaaaake, a baby tiger, you know, the normal things.
Here is something awesome that happened today. My sister and I were driving and I looked over to the next car and saw those little family decals in the rear window. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it had a huge HONKIN bird crap falling from what looks like the sky onto this poor mother's head. It made me crack up, so I snapped a picture, assuming the people reading this blog have even a small sense of humor, you will think this is awesome.

That was my favorite part of the day. By far.
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